About me:

IT Consultant
Software Developer
more about me...

My Translation & Language resources website

Chess Variants :my contributions and the Main Site
Other sites I have something to do with:
- Drora's Music Chamber
- Fibersiv - Mirjam Bruck-Cohen's fiberart site
- Different Art - Mirjam Bruck-Cohen's art blog
- not the Last Word - A blog - mainly about language and translation
- Hebrew translation of the Perl Maven perl tutorials

- Translations I did for Hayadan - science news site (Hebrew)


Lectures at YAPCs/OSDCs

  • Perl and Computer Music
    FOSDEM 2018, Brussels, Belgium
    abstract and video
    erl has modules that can be used in many aspects of computer music - that is music generated where somewhere along the line a computer is involved. It can interface with MIDI, sound synthesis, analysis, and various music making tools. The talk discusses some of the MIDI modules and demonstrated the use of genetic algorithms as a tool that can aid composition.
  • Using Genetic Algorithms in Sound Synthesis
    YAPC::Europe 2015, Granada, Spain
    Genetic algorithms is a search heuristic that uses concepts from natural evolution to find solutions to problems. We'll take a look at how genetic algorithms can be used to figure out how to synthesize a sound, given a sample, and at a Perl implementation
  • Genetic Algorithms in Perl - Perl Workshop in Israel, 2013,
    Swiss Perl Workshop, Olten, Switzerland, 2015
    summary Genetic algorithms is a search heuristic that uses concepts from natural evolution to find solutions to problems. Discussion of the relevant Perl tools and how they're applied to a couple of interesting problems.
  • A Game Server Implementation in Perl - Perl Workshop in Israel, 2013
    Implementing a game server for turn-based and non-turn-based games. Handling users, game state, communication with client apps.
    The lecture focused on a RESTful server implementing a multi-player simultaneous game based invented by Joe DeVincentis and based on concepts from John Conway's Life cellular automaton.
  • Perl in the Cloud - Perl Workshop in Israel, 2012
    Virtual servers in the cloud, like Amazon's EC2 servers are used to create scalable applications by allowing adding and removing servers and other resources according to the changing needs of the application. The talk will show how to use Perl to control, manage, monitor, automate your scalable cloud applications. Whether you need to control resources for web applications, fancy crawlers, or you just need a lot of servers for awhile, you can use Perl to do the heavy lifting.
  • Implementing Web Services in Perl with SOAP - YAPC::IL 2005, Israel
    Web Services. Some background on Web Services and on SOAP. Implementing a server. Implementing a client. Creating a distributed application. Things to watch out for.
  • Design & Development of RESTful Web Services(lecture/workshop) - YACP::EU 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
    REST, Representational State Transfer, is a web services paradigm that views HTTP as a platform rather than merely a transport. Many of the available online APIs today are RESTful. The workshop will design of a RESTful web service and its implementation using Perl. The emphasis will be on implementation using the Catalyst framework, however, other options are addressed as well.
  • Perl in Software Art - YAPC::EU 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Software Art is art where software, programming code, or software concepts play a significant role. It's closely related to Net Art. Some software artists use Perl to create their art, and true to the spirit of open source, often include the source code as part or alongside the art. Some observations on such art works will be discussed, the relation between code (material) and artworks, links to related concepts in other art forms.
  • Creating a RESTful Web Service with Catalyst - Perl Workshop in Israel,2007
    REST, Representational State Transfer, is a web services paradigm that views HTTP as a platform rather than merely a transport. Catalyst is a versatile web framework. The title says it all. (and just for fun, the web service won't be a dictionary)
  • Translators Tools Implemented in Perl - OSDC::IL 2006, Israel; YAPC::EU 2006, Birmingham, UK
    This talk discusses Perl implementation of software tools for translators such as Translation Memory, Document Alignment, etc. This talk is based on a talk previously given in Israel's 2006 OSDC.
  • Perl to Queen's Level 3 - YAPC::IL 2005, Israel
    An OOP framework to be used in implementing a board game server. This is not about game AI. It's a lot about OOP and a little about board games, with some bias towards chess variants.

Lectures in Translators Conferences

  • Translating Websites - ITA conference 2010, Jerusalem, Israel.
    Discussing the entire process of translating websites. Assessing the job, quoting for it, receiving the text and delivering the material. What to look for and what pitfalls to avoid.
  • Tech Jargon – The Microsoft Way and the Open Source Way - ITA lecture evening, Jan. 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel
    Microsoft has been a dominant desktop operating system for quite some time and consequently managed to dictate a lot of jargon to the IT field. Nowadays, open source alternatives are becoming more common on the desktop, and there are several active FOSS localization projects. Some notes and comparisons between the two approaches and their results are discussed.
  • Shared and Distributed Online Glossaries - ITA conference 2007, Haifa, Israel
    Free online glossary tools. How we can use them, contribute to them, and leverage the networking effect to our own benefit and to the benefit of the translator community. Some of the tools discussed were developed and are maintained by the speaker.
  • The Craft of Translating Art - ITA Conference 2005, Haifa, Israel
    A lecture discussing my experiences working with artists and with the people who write about their art. Texts about art, and that includes articles in various publications, and texts that accompany exhibitions as part of their catalogs, are texts which discuss a specialized subject, but are sometimes almost literary in style. Such projects tend to involve on-going dialogs with the artist, the curator, the writer, as well as with the art itself.